Artist: Riverz End Title: Transfer Format: Digital File Under: IDM, Ambient, Experimental Availability: Bandcamp |
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Transfer is a full-length debut album Riverz End. It is therefore necessary to consider the release of Possible as a first step and the appearance of Riverz End’s tracks on the compilations of Deep Sea Shipping and Main Control Board as an opportunity to show different experimental edge of creative musician.
Transfer is a transition to a new level of perception and understanding, penetrating through the boundary between internal and external, tangible and intangible, is a gigantic transformation of consciousness, caused by the sound of music.
Every listener of this record is a passenger who is going to an extremely fascinating journey beyond his usual, familiar reality. The path that you are going to move to another galaxy, completely unpredictable, we can’t assume what a traveler can expect in this country. With the help of a powerful energy portal brings you to the point where the magick, alchemy and science fiction mix up. Have a nice trip!
01 N+1 02 Transfer 03 Exchange Is Invisible 04 Score 05 Optimum Confusion 06 Fool’s Crystal 07 Sad Sailor 08 Overlook 09 Reprojector 10 Pyramid Screen 11 Shine 12 Minor Riverz End's Personal Page |
Новый альбом российского экспериментального электронного проект RIVERZ END вышел спустя пять лет после "пробного" релиза "Possible" (2007), характеризуется планомерным улучшением качества звучания (за мастеринг на этот раз отвечал звукоинженер MUSLIMGAUZE) и покорением новых звуковых горизонтов, простирающихся в область мелодичной idm-электроники и эпического sci-fi эмбиента. Альбом "Transfer" получился одновременно многослойным, комплексным, исправно питающим воображение, плавно скользящим по сменяющимся биосферным и техногенным ландшафтам, комфортным для прослушивания. Красной саундтрековой нитью через аккуратные и манящие странным светом звуковые нагромождения синтезаторной, компьютерной и шумовой природы проходит киберпанк-меланхолический настрой автора музыки. Он передается слушателям, которые незаметно для себя будут погружены в особый гармонично-иллюзорный мир, в котором легко потеряться и трудно нащупать грань между реальными предметами и чувствами и голограммами, миражами, технологическими проекциями и передаваемыми извне сигналами в мозг. Альбом RIVERZ END насквозь пронизан изыскательской атмосферой и может быть сравним с ментальным туннелем в кибер-Нирвану. Конечно же, многое в восприятии параллельной реальности RIVERZ END будет зависеть от слушателя, его любви к спокойной idm-электронике и обволакивающему сознание эмбиенту и готовности совершить "трансфер" в саундтрек к вымышленному фантастическому эпосу. Альбом российского музыканта ни в коем случае нельзя разрывать на части и лучше не обрывать его прослушивание на половине. Это цельная, интеллигентная, долго вынашиваемая в "творческой утробе" и принципиально доведенная до совершенства атмосферная работа. "Transfer" - следующий эволюционный виток в развитии RIVERZ END и достойный внимания релиз, созданный думающим одиночкой, впитавшим в себя влияния некоторых знаковых команд экспериментальной электронной сцены и скрепившим их толстой авторской печатью. Рекомендую слушать в пустой комнате на среднем уровне громкости, лежа на полу при выключенном свете.
Time, space, distance and gravitational pulling has Riverz End (Roman Kolesnikov) displaying a new venture into atmospheric electronics via Russia’s Lagunamuch - five years after the release of his debut (Possible) described as "a collection of thick, spacious ambient and yet detailed electronica." Time doesn’t seem to have hindered Riverz End’s progress, however, as Transfer is a tranquilized blend of sonic experiments, broken synthesizers, detailed ambience and scattered blips and bleeps.
The ongoing expansion of genres and sub-genres has elevated new plateaus of music adhering to a wider scope of listeners. This expansion allows for intricate creations that bend, twist and contort into renewed formations. Such is the case on Transfer - a smorgasbord of audio delicacies that ricochets from one period to the other while forging forward.
"n+1″ opens with its haze of industrialized bass splatters, disjointed high-hats, clanging and rhythmic lava flow. The title track sways through upfront beatwork and eventual decay as a swarm of digitized drones and sparkling strands take shape. "Overlook" breaks the classic IDM mold and also rips apart in its final descent to a mystical world. "Sad Sailer" reveals encrusted tweaks, vintage synth’s and a wave of minimized percussive distractions.
Relying less on post-industrial landscapes - as the closing "Minor" might depict - Transfer exudes atmospheric pressure and balances beautiful distortions among organized electrical activity. As the cover-art reveals, Riverz End releases a flurry of analog-to-digital clouds drifting within a centralized prism of light. And while several analogies could be derived, each listener is sure to leave with their own conclusion as to how these sounds will transfer into the subconscious. With only a couple of albums on the table, Riverz End’s focuses on surreal panoramas that offsets each piece to elevate its own skewed trajectory. A satisfying cavern of organized confusion with a minimized curtain of splendor.
The full-length debut album by Riverz End (real name Roman Kolesnikov), Transfer is an uncompromising exercise in cybertronic IDM and, one presumes, an indication of what's currently being created within the Russian electronic scene or at least within Lagunamuch's corner of it. Words like percolating, restless, combustible, and alchemical come to mind while listening to the album's resolute machine music, especially when one is exposed to endlessly mutating, fire-breathing organisms such as "N+1" and "Score."
Transfer often sounds like next-generation Autechre, like the experimental material the hypothetical spawn of Sean Booth and Rob Brown conceivably might create after reaching an age where they're able to start playing with their progenitors' toys. It's worth noting, however, that Transfer's twelve tracks are glitch-free and therefore sound more like descendants of the pre-Confield Autechre. Beats occasionally lend Transfer's material a firm foundation. A downtempo groove imposes some semblance of stability upon "Minor" at album's end, while the locomotive chatter of drum machine beats powers "Optimum Confusion" with an unstoppable cyberfunk pulse. Kolesnikov does let up on the controls now and then, thankfully. "Sad Sailor" plays like a welcome rest stop of sorts, somewhat like a three-minute refuel before the spaceship resumes its intergalactic travels.
While the material is largely synthetic in sound design, acoustic drum sounds surface during "Overlook," even if they're sometimes overshadowed by a dark synthetic mass that threatens to bury them altogether, and, rather inexplicably, acoustic guitar strums materialize near the end of "Shine." There's no shortage of atmospheric scene-painting ("Shine" perhaps the most dynamic example), and Kolesnikov is clearly no shrinking violet: Transfer is a bold, personal statement. Uneasy listening it might be, but there's more than enough room for that in the listening universe, too.
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