Artist: Various Artists Title: Main Control Board Format: CD File Under: cyber-electronic Availability: in stock |
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Alexander Matrosov, a part of Alexandroid, Gods Delusion, Flexkiks, Autopilots, Speyer projects came up with an idea to make such a compilation. He was going to make the second sound trip, a kind of sequel to the Deep Sea Shipping compilation. The sound was more of an industrial and radical type. This time the theme of the compilation is not a sea, but the black space with its microgravity, adventures and unpredictability. We decided to use new approaches, new technologies and invite musicians that we know. We were not rushing with this release, making the things more difficult for ourselves and testing the compilation by time. Once it is ready we are really happy with the final result.
Main Control Board compilation is not mixed. All tracks are specially chosen to complete each other. Listening to the cd it feels like one album is playing. What is it, Main Control Board?
We dig Main Control Board is a control board of our galactic, matrix or program, whatever you call the reality. You can draw parallels between what is happening on our planet and on the cd. There are no coincidences.
It took us two years to finish this monolithic release. The result was worth the effort. Unfortunately during these two years many unexpected things have happened. One year ago, an excellent musician and creator of this project, Alexander Matrosov passed away. One year later we are dedicating this compilation to him. It is exactly the way he wanted to see and hear it.
01 Indu Mezu vs Flagra - The Game [Это игра] 02 Speyer - Dust 03 Riverz End - Triangle Man 04 Abstract Avenue - Oxid 05 Autopilots - Machine 06 Nightech - Grey Strata of Subways 07 L.F. - Delta-Foxtrot 08 Abstract Avenue - Kolkster 09 Speyer - Connecting to You 10 Riverz End - Main Control Board 11 Egofriend - Condition Rock 12 Alexandroid - Station MIR |
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Ce pharaonique projet a vu le jour il y a plus de deux ans au coeur du label russe Lagunamuch. Moitié d'Alexandroid, Alexander Matrosov motive ses potes à se mettre au boulot. Malheureusement, ce dernier décédera tragiquement en février 2009, avant la concrétisation de cette imposante compilation. Main Control Board lui est donc dédié. Il laisse derrière lui quelques disques et pose, avec son compère Andrei Antonets, sa pierre au monolithe.
Dès la vision du sublime artwork réalisé par Arthur Berent, on envisage le contenu avec une excitante appréhension. Fleuron technologique, Main Control Board est une odyssée spatiale apocalyptique contemplant les sinistres restes d'un monde dévasté. Bienvenue dans une galaxie hostile, entre cyber IDM d'anticipation, ambient cataclysmique et textures post-industrielles. Au menu, pluie d'insectes transgéniques, astéroïdes vaporisés, gestation de rythmique incisive et guerre intersidérale. Chaque morceau est complémentaire, introduisant le suivant pour mieux servir l'obscure toile de fond. Même si le tout est absolument exceptionnel, on retiendra particulièrement la techno claustrophobique et déshumanisée de Speyer et l'IDM hypnotique et convulsive d'Abstract Avenue. Parmi les autres participants, signalons Autopilots, Riverz End, Nightech, Egofriend, Indu Mezu, Flagra et bien sûr Alexandroid. L'apparition de L.F. sur le court Delta-Foxtrot fait penser à un message lâché comme une balise de détresse, à la recherche d'une vaine rencontre du troisième type. L'ensemble témoigne d'une vision peu réjouissante, telle celle que vît Neo lorsqu'il contemplât la matrice d'un regard neuf. Inutile donc de préciser que ce qui ne fait que porter la vulgaire appellation "compilation", illustrerait parfaitement n'importe quel film du même genre. Le tragique décès de Matrosov n'a pas dû aider les autres membres à vouloir jouer des mélodies mélancoliques pleines d'espoir.
Les inspirés lecteurs qui souhaiteraient se procurer ce joyau sombre dans sa version physique devront chercher un peu sur la toile. Impossible qu'ils le regrettent. Oeuvre abrupte et sans concessions, Main Control Board est un chef d'oeuvre underground absolu.
"Main Control Board" - концептуальная компиляция и увлекательный футуристический саундтрек российского экспериментального электронного лейбла Lagunamuch, посвященная рано ушедшему из жизни музыканту Александру Матросову (ALEXANDROID, GODS DELUSION, FLEXKIKS, AUTOPILOTS, SPEYER) и описывающая мрачноватый индустриальный комплекс (тюрьма, крепость, военная база, космопорт или горно-добывающий комбинат?) и его суровые, неприступные и пустынные окрестности на некой малонаселенной планете. Оригинальное оформление диска поможет вам яснее представить, о чем конкретно идет речь. Релиз изначально задумывался как сиквел к ранее вышедшей на этом же лейбле компиляции "Deep Sea Shipping", но теперь слушатели перенесутся не в морские глубины, а в черный космос со множеством загадок. Альбом представляет композиции интернациональных электронных проектов (SPEYER, RIVERZ END, ABSTRACT AVENUE, AUTOPILOTS, NIGHTECH, L.F., ALEXANDROID, EGOFRIEND и др.), которые объединены общей темой и атмосферным звучанием и расположены друг за дружкой так, чтобы у слушателей не возникало ощущения рваности или нестыковок в сюжете. У придуманного саундтрека есть атмосферное вступление ("The Game"), динамические квестовые и технологические моменты ("Dust", "Triangle Man", "Oxid", "Connecting To You", "Kolkster"), а также заполненные потерянными сигналами ("Delta-Foxtrot", "Station Mir"), странными свечениями ("Grey Strata Of Subways") или дроновскими гудениями ("Main Control Board") эмбиентные зарисовки. Над составителями сборника не довлели коммерческий фактор, idm-электронные тренды и груз прошлых релизов, поэтому они полностью отдались творчеству и экспериментам. Благо, при этом они не забыли о слушателях. Отобранный материал не только полностью удовлетворяет современным качественным требованиям, но и интересно, цельно, органично и многовекторно звучит. К тому же в нем чувствуются прогрессивное начало, мелодизм и уважение к классике электронной музыки, особенно к периоду 1990-2000 гг. Стилистически на диске представлены технологичная и мелодичная idm-электроника с активными комплексными ритмами, однажды разгоняющимися до трэнса ("Machine"), и мертвенно-бледный ландшафтный sci-fi эмбиент, иногда окутанный глитчевыми звуками или нойзовыми туманностями...
Two years in the making, "Main Control Board" is a release about which the Lagunamuch Community is particularly proud - with good reason. Sort of a sequel to "Deep Sea Shipping" (2006), but with thematic aspirations turned toward the void and its mercurial physics of raw energies and gravitational stresses, this compilation is unmixed, a series of twelve stand-alone tracks meticulously selected to compliment each other. The brainchild of Alexander Matrosov (Alexandroid, Speyer, Flexkiks, etc.), who passed away a year ago, it comes with an added level of poignancy with respect to the dedication, effort and quality of both contributors and creators alike. It goes without saying that "Main Control Board" is dark. It is a seething, pulsing, white noise reflection of an emptiness that defies comprehension, articulated by music at once spacious and microcosmic. But this release isn't just a collection of killer music - it operates on at least a few levels. First and foremost, it stands as a memorial to the musician who conceived it; secondly, it acts as transmission, projecting its crafted minimalism, radio snippets and wayward electronics into the vacuum that engulfs; further, it celebrates the rewards of patience, in this case earned by a close-knit community of artists and producers who perceive the complex workings of this existence with a mix of apprehension and awe. To all of these things, this is their response. Among the included tracks the variation of styles is extraordinary, the pacing languid, grooving or palpitating, and the progression impeccable. When played randomly, they maintain every bit of their complimentary power, which only increases possibilities for new revelations. Standouts include Speyer's "Dust", with its churning technoid beats, hypnotic build and barely-there ambient backdrop, Riverz End's "Main Control Board", brimming with post-industrial organic textures and gut-shaking bass drops, Abstract Avenue's arcade-esque "Kolkster", a welcome drum'n'bass-style IDM inclusion, Nightech's "Grey Strata of Subways, constructed of vast and fuzzy drones, and Alexandroid's closing "Station MIR", a serene and extraterrestrial ambient journey of deconstructed trance. Without doubt "Main Control Board" is a successful, towering release that transports listeners outside expectations, even while it envelops them in the cold comfort of truly subversive electronics.
I hadn’t heard about this particular Russian label, but the last years reception of music from the country, have convinced me that many interesting things happen on the Russian experimental electronic music scene. To begin with the label, Lagunamuch was formed back in 2004 with the aim of promoting experimental electronics of a wider scale rather than focusing on one certain style. And the mission certainly has been accomplished with this particular compilation. The album is a continuation of the sampler "Deep sea shipping" from the label released in 2004. Where "Deep sea shipping" took its starting point in the sea as subject "Main control board" conceptually focus on deep space. The expressions of the tracks nicely lives up to it, with atmospheres moving from feelings of isolationism to nocturnal darkness. The sounds often operates in spacey spheres and strange-fullness. Stylistically we move from upbeat techno with Autopilots and their track "Machine" to otherworldly drones on Nightech and the ambient track "Grey strata of subways". Even club-like sounds occurs with Speyer’s "Connecting to you" but the feeling of deep space always hides in-between the lines of every track. A very interesting compilation that reminds me of Hymen’s fabulous compilation "Teknoir" and an album that definitely makes me want to check the aforementioned "Deep sea shipping"-compilation. Highly recommended!
Main Control Board, the latest compilation from the Russian imprint Lagunamuch, perpetuates the concept-oriented approach of its previous collection, Deep Sea Shipping, except now the focus moves in the opposite direction to black space, with all of the mystery that that entails. An undercurrent of sadness runs through the hour-long set, as Alexander Matrosov, the creative force behind the project, passed away a year ago when the project was midway through its two-year production schedule. It's fitting, then, to discover one of his two contributions, the one under the name Alexandroid, appearing at album's end (he also appears halfway through with a track credited to Autopilots). Though the album's material is fairly wide-ranging, it, generally speaking, could be slotted in with the kind of material heard on Tympanik Audio-industrial techno / cyber-electronic IDM, in other words. There are beats but the tracks are hardly minimal techno workouts; instead, there's a heavy emphasis on atmosphere-spectral, gloomy, galaxial, spooky, and so on-with rhythm structures functioning more as cyber-funk underpinning (during Abstract Avenue's "Oxid," for example) than primary focal points.
First up is an industrial-electro-IDM mood-setter by Indu Mezu vs Flagra called "The Game," followed by the elastic snap of Speyer's driving tech-house cut "Dust." Similar contrasts emerge in the compilation's subsequent pieces, with the six furious minutes of pounding rave techno that makes up Autopilots' "Machine" followed by the dark ambient of Nightech's "Grey Strata of Subways," a howling fuzzball of grainy haze. Pulsating, throbbing, and woozy are but three words that spring to mind while the hyperactive acid-techno of Abstract Avenue's "Kolkster" plays. Much of Main Control Board could be called cinematic with some degree of legitimacy, given the visually suggestive character of haunted settings such as Riverz End's "Main Control Board" and Alexandroid's epic "Station MIR." Though it's not the only memorable piece, Matrosov's closing one is an especially powerful one, as its final seconds make the album seem, appropriately enough, like it's vanishing into a black hole.
...Lagunamuch Records, based in Moscow (Russia) sent us an interesting, but minimal compilation. All projects featured on this sampler remained unknown to me, but the least I can say is that I'll now look forward to hear a bit more from some of the projects. "Main Control Board" offers a mix of very experimental pieces, but the most exciting cuts are irresistible minimal electronics. It's quite interesting to hear the way some of the projects explores new horizons. None of the bands sound like a replica of another formation. Instead of copying they sound like going in search of original sounds. Some of the tracks are quite danceable, but they always hold on a very minimal and noticeable influence. It can even move into approximate trance fields, but here again it has been all written with creativity.
I sincerely hope to get more work from projects like Speyer, Riverz End, Abstract Avenue, Nightech or yet L.F. The artwork of the digipak is quite cool as well while totally fitting to the innovative style of the music...
I seldom paste and copy complete phrases taken out of the label info sheet, but for this latest Experimental-Electronica compilation album of the Russian label Lagunamuch, I have to make an exception: 'It took us two years to finish this monolithic release. The result was worth the effort. Unfortunately during these two years many unexpected things have happened. One year ago, an excellent musician and creator of this project, Alexander Matrosov, passed away. One year later we are dedicating this compilation to him. It is exactly the way he wanted to see and hear it.' There isn't that much to add, since Alexander Matrosov has been one of the leading forces of the Lagunamuch community and his passing is still a shock for all involved. We send our deepest condolences in the name of the whole Chain D.L.K.crew. Regarding the tragic happenings, this compilation deserves respect. Since this release acts like a requiem, it is nearly forbidden to alter any component of it with a review. Be assured, that you'll get an awesome looking (digipack- and artwork-design by Arthur Berent ' that dark and bluish city in between some mountains is his best work so far'¦), and heavily Industrial-minded compilation, which is an ideal introduction to several artists of this Russian Underground-Electronica scene. I have to name some favourites, although this is rather based on personal preferences: Speyer ('¦ that is one of the projects with Alexander Matrosov involved'¦) impresses with a straight and linear IDM-track named 'Dust', which offers a hypnotic rhythm pattern and grows on opulent synth-layers. Arthur Berent has his own project Abstract Avenue taking part with two tracks, from which 'Oxid' gets my vote especially regarding the cutting snare drum in use. Riverz End, also featured on here with two tracks, has received the 'honour' to compose the title track of this compilation, which is an Experimental-minded Downtempo-tune with several foiled recording quells. Life and business somehow goes on, but this compilation is a great pearl, if you like to check out some alternative IDM/Modern Ambient-/Electronica artists. That shall not sound disrespectful, but I am sure that Alexander Matrosov wanted to see us and all involved from the side of the Lagunamuch community to continue with normality. Make your contacts and purchase this awesome looking and sounding compilation.
...Вероятно, "консоль управления" - управляет вовсе не космическим кораблем, а временем? Если еще раз оглянуться на список композиций, такое тоже может быть. Они очень разные, проявления этой электронной музыки, будь она неладна. Разные формы, разные взгляды, разные мысли, разное время, разные люди, из-за этого - за железными дверьми техно закономерно и несанкционированно много хаоса, как много его там, где много чего угодно. На мой взгляд, только узкий круг слушателей может понять, о чем этот сборник, вдаваясь в предысторию его создания или хотя бы будучи знакомым с его авторами лично. А как еще может неживая музыка понравиться живым людям? Без человеческого фактора наличие такого огромного количества железа и получившегося в результате сооружения смущает. Перспектива не из легких.
В математически-рассчетливом плане комплияция - как качели. Состоит ровно из двенадцати композиций, каждые две из них по-свому раскрывают свою тему и дополняют друг друга в неком неосязаемом ключе. Все вместе, конечно, образуют монолит, который молотом не расшибешь - будто один человек писал. Как и надо. Само собой. Сконструирована и отточена настолько органично, что даже страшно становится - а стоило ли? Все равно ведь ошибка есть, и путь к совершенству еще не закрыт. Повторение жанров - отсутствует. Аутентичность российского звучания - более чем очевидна. Почти все представленные здесь имена - уже на слуху. Делали тихо, долго, но с очевидной помпой. Почти культ, но - культ еще только-только начавшийся и рискующий не продолжится...
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- Various Artists - Main Control Board
- I/DEX - Layers
- Martinez Gonzalez - Dakstins
- In A Nutshell - Arrhythmia
- Ежи и Петруччо - Скаzки
- Unit 21 - November
- Nightech - Deviation
- Various Artists - Deep Sea Shipping
- 0ID - Systems of Mercy
- Lazyfish/Mewark - S/T
- Oloolo - Pavilosta
- Mewark - Little One
- Ежи и Петруччо - Истории
- Flexkiks - Freeland
- Lazyfish/Alexandroid - OS
- In A Nutshell - Ultraviolet Test
- Selffish - Blue Planet Chill
- CAST - Are Teek L
- 0ID - Red Book
- Ariu Kara - Medlennii Skaner Stalkera
- Dub Constructor - Ulitka Zen